Tag: conlang
Day 350: December 15, 2024
Goal: Entry for Lexember 15th Work focus: Solidify/Write/Share Another step you might consider is turning your handwritten orthography into a font you can use on the computer. You can explore font-making software options that will allow you to do that. Some are quite expensive but offer great tools. Others are free but may have steep…
Day 349: December 14, 2024
Goal: Entry for Lexember 14th Work focus: Solidify/Write/Share You may have worked ahead in Lexember and want something to do on a daily basis. If you had created an orthography, return to your glyph work. You may need to continue creating more (especially if you have a large syllabary or a logography), or you may…
Day 348: December 13, 2024
Goal: Entry for Lexember 13th Work focus: Solidify/Write/Share If you are struggling with creating a word a day in isolation, consider using translation exercises to help you generate new words. You may even decide to share short translations during Lexember to showcase your new words in context!
Day 347: December 12, 2024
Goal: Entry for Lexember 12th Work focus: Solidify/Write/Share If you’re working and realize you’re running short of words to fit a theme for Lexember, then consider abandoning or expanding the theme so it fits better with where your current ideas are taking you. Coming up with a theme (the Day 332 goal) was simply a…
Day 346: December 11, 2024
Goal: Entry for Lexember 11th Work focus: Solidify/Write/Share As you’re creating Lexember words/entries, you may realize you want to change the order of words in your original planning list or switch out words entirely. And that’s okay! Change out your plans as needed to keep up the work and to stay invested in what you’re…
Day 345: December 10, 2024
Goal: Entry for Lexember 10th Work focus: Solidify/Write/Share If you started this month out having decided not to share your work online but now feel motivated to share, go ahead and jump in! It’s okay to do a big “here’s what I’ve done so far” post and then have more regular posts after that. It’s…
Day 344: December 9, 2024
Goal: Entry for Lexember 9th Work focus: Solidify/Write/Share Another area of focus during this month is on documentation. As you create, check back in with your language documents to make sure they are up-to-date. Maybe you created a new kind of compound you want to mention in your noun section or a new derivation to…
Day 343: December 8, 2024
Goal: Entry for Lexember 8th Work focus: Solidify/Write/Share The second week of Lexember has officially begun. Take a moment to reassess where you are and how it’s going for you. Be honest in your evaluation. This month should be fun—not a chore. If it’s feeling like a chore, consider how you might change things up…
Day 342: December 7, 2024
Goal: Entry for Lexember 7th Work focus: Solidify/Write/Share If you’re struggling with daily posts but want to participate in Lexember, you might consider doing a “weekly digest” kind of post instead. You can change up how you’re posting entries and turn it into a seven-day post with all seven words presented together. That way, you…
Day 341: December 6, 2024
Goal: Entry for Lexember 6th Work focus: Solidify/Write/Share As I give hints for keeping up with regular participation in Lexember, also know that it’s okay if you need to skip a day. Or two. Or a week. It’s okay if you start Lexember and then realize you just don’t have the time, energy, resources, or…