Category: Solidify/Write/Share
Day 336: December 1, 2024
Goal: Entry for Lexember 1st Work focus: Solidify/Write/Share From here on out, the rest of the Conlang Year challenge is the same daily task: create and share a word in your conlang for Lexember. Just don’t forget to update your dictionary as you go! You can share your Lexember entries via your favorite social media…
Day 331: November 26, 2024
Goal: Incorporate the translation you completed in your language document Note: You can just include the text or do a write-up about it. Tip: You might consider including a picture of your text in your orthography. Work focus: Solidify/Write/Share Incorporate the translation you completed into your language document to showcase your language features in action.…
Day 330: November 25, 2024
Goal: Write a section on orthography or text types and pragmatic features Note: Consider describing features like word choice or information structure. Tip: An orthography section should clearly map glyph form to sounds. Work focus: Solidify/Write/Share Today you will add a section to your language document. If you created an orthography, add a section on…
Day 304: October 30, 2024
Goal: Write up a formal section on the translation Note: Highlight grammatical features and words that stand out. Tip: Make this fun for you—focus on what you like most about your translation! Work focus: Solidify/Write/Share Include the translation you did in your language’s grammar document to showcase your conlang’s grammatical features in action. Write up…
Day 298: October 24, 2024
Goal: Update your document and dictionary as needed Note: Add in any new forms you created so they are documented. Tip: Be sure to make a note of any forms’ functions that were extended. Work focus: Solidify/Write/Share Take some time today to update your conlang’s grammar documentation and dictionary to make sure it is up…
Day 296: October 22, 2024
Goal: Update your dictionary to include new forms Note: Add in the new forms (or new definitions for old forms). Tip: You may come up with new forms that naturally evolve from your work! Work focus: Solidify/Write/Share Use today to update your dictionary with the new forms you created yesterday, making sure to expand any…
Day 288: October 14, 2024
Goal: Expand your section on quotatives Note: Short excerpts or snippets of conversation can demonstrate expanded features. Tip: Try to incorporate a variety of examples to highlight multiple features. Work focus: Solidify/Write/Share Given the work you’ve done in the past few days, review your section on quotatives and update and/or expand it as necessary to…
Day 283: October 9, 2024
Goal: Write a section on quotative strategies Note: Include the examples you created to demonstrate quotative features. Tip: If your language distinguishes types of reported speech, highlight those distinctions. Work focus: Solidify/Write/Share Today’s goal is to document your work on quotative strategies and (in)direct speech. In your grammar, include the examples you created with descriptions…
Day 276: October 2, 2024
Goal: Update your grammar’s adverb section Note: Incorporate the examples of comparative/superlative situations. Tip: It may work better to have a section dedicated to comparisons. Work focus: Solidify/Write/Share Today is a documentation day. Incorporate the examples you created for adverbs in comparative and superlative situations to demonstrate how your conlang handles them—whether your language has…
Day 271: September 27, 2024
Goal: Update your dictionary as needed Note: Make sure any comparative/superlative forms or sources you created made it into the dictionary. Tip: Check any handwritten notes you may have in planners, in journals, or on backs of receipts for words you intended to add! Work focus: Solidify/Write/Share Today offers a little break between thinking about…