Category: Conlang Year
Day 270: September 26, 2024
Goal: Expand the section on comparative forms to include superlatives Note: Incorporate examples of superlatives (or similar structures) in your language. Tip: It’s totally fine if your language has a comparative form but lacks a superlative. Just show what your language does instead! Work focus: Solidify/Write/Share Document your decisions on superlatives in your language by…
Day 269: September 25, 2024
Goal: Create forms and examples for superlative structures Note: Start with any new forms you need to implement your superlative strategy. Tip: Create examples to show how your language handles superlative structures (both predicative and attributive). Work focus: Create/Make/List Today’s goal is to put your superlative plans into action by creating any forms you need…
Day 268: September 24, 2024
Goal: Plan a strategy for superlative forms in attributive positions Note: You may need to demonstrate how your language restructures these forms. Tip: Examples include phrases like “the smallest mouse” or “the most incredible experience.” Work focus: Organize/Plan/Structure Make a plan for superlatives in the attributive position in your conlang (or demonstrate how your conlang…
Day 267: September 23, 2024
Goal: Plan a strategy for superlative forms in predicative positions Note: Focus for now only on predicative instances like “The mouse is smallest.” Tip: You may also consider instances where the superlative is treated like a nominal: “The mouse is the smallest.” Work focus: Organize/Plan/Structure Now that you’ve explored options for superlatives, focus today on…
Day 266: September 22, 2024
Goal: Brainstorm ideas for superlative strategies Note: This may mean creating new inflections, adverbs, and/or clausal strategies. Tip: Superlatives include examples like “The mouse is smallest” or “The rabbit is most beautiful.” Work focus: Learn/Brainstorm/Try Today’s goal focuses on a feature related to comparative strategies: strategies for forming a superlative, or a comparison of the…
Day 265: September 21, 2024
Goal: Write a section on comparative forms Note: Include examples of predicative and, if applicable, attributive comparatives. Tip: This information may fit best in a section on adjectives but may be a better fit in other clausal or phrasal sections. Work focus: Solidify/Write/Share Document your decisions on comparative forms by writing a section in your…
Day 264: September 20, 2024
Goal: Create examples of situations with attributive comparative forms Note: If your language allows it, showcase NP structures when comparatives are used attributively. Tip: If your language doesn’t allow it, show how your language would translate a sentence that includes a NP like “the fancier mouse.” Work focus: Create/Make/List Based on your decisions yesterday, create…
Day 263: September 19, 2024
Goal: Decide if comparative forms can be used attributively Note: Consider if you’ll allow noun phrases like “the faster turtle.” Tip: Your strategy may require other types of modifiers in the noun phrase, like an adposition phrase. Work focus: Learn/Brainstorm/Try Some languages allow comparative forms to be embedded as modifiers inside a noun phrase. For…
Day 262: September 18, 2024
Goal: Create sentences with comparative forms Note: Put your plans into action and create example sentences to showcase your comparatives. Tip: Your example sentences may demonstrate how your language handles comparatives without a dedicated comparative form. Work focus: Create/Make/List Put your plans into action and create your first examples of sentences with comparatives! Focus only…
Day 261: September 17, 2024
Goal: Create any lexical forms you need for your comparative strategy Note: Be sure to reduce any lexical forms that need to be grammaticalized for your comparative. Tip: Even if you don’t need any new forms, lay out a template to show how your language will handle comparative situations. Work focus: Create/Make/List Today’s goal is…