Category: Conlang Year
Day 280: October 6, 2024
Goal: Organize your notes on (in)direct speech strategies Note: Make a list of any forms you need, whether it’s new verbs or a subordinator. Tip: If you also mark evidentiality, consider how those markers interact with (in)direct speech. Work focus: Organize/Plan/Structure Today’s goal is to organize the notes you’ve made over the past couple days…
Day 279: October 5, 2024
Goal: Brainstorm ways to distinguish direct from indirect speech Note: You can consider verb choice, subordinator(s), and grammatical features. Tip: These can be distinguished in the quotative and/or the reported speech. Work focus: Learn/Brainstorm/Try Today’s goal is to explore and brainstorm strategies specifically for distinguishing direct from indirect speech. One option is not to distinguish…
Day 278: October 4, 2024
Goal: Explore options for indicating (in)direct speech Note: These strategies offer speakers a way to indicate they are reporting speech. Tip: Useful terms include “quotative” and “attribute tag.” Work focus: Learn/Brainstorm/Try Languages often have ways for speakers to indicate when they are sharing information someone else had previously said—ways of indicating reported speech. When telling…
Day 277: October 3, 2024
Goal: Review and update your dictionary as needed Note: Comparative inflectional forms may need to be added to head words. Tip: Comparative/superlative inflections can be showcased in charts. Work focus: Organize/Plan/Structure Today’s goal is to review and update your dictionary as needed. If you have inflectional affixes for comparative and superlative adjectives and/or adverbs, you…
Day 276: October 2, 2024
Goal: Update your grammar’s adverb section Note: Incorporate the examples of comparative/superlative situations. Tip: It may work better to have a section dedicated to comparisons. Work focus: Solidify/Write/Share Today is a documentation day. Incorporate the examples you created for adverbs in comparative and superlative situations to demonstrate how your conlang handles them—whether your language has…
Day 275: October 1, 2024
Goal: Create examples of comparative and superlative adverbs Note: Or create examples to show what your language does instead! Tip: Consider if all adverbs participate in these constructions. Work focus: Create/Make/List Today’s goal is to create examples to showcase how comparative and superlative adverb forms (or constructions) work in your conlang. Or, as the case…
Day 274: September 30, 2024
Goal: Plan a strategy for comparative and superlative adverb forms Note: You do not need dedicated forms to be able to express a comparison of adverbs. Tip: You may create multiple templates to demonstrate how your language can express these ideas using different strategies. Work focus: Organize/Plan/Structure Consolidate your ideas from the past two days…
Day 273: September 29, 2024
Goal: Explore options for superlative adverb forms Note: Now consider adverbs in superlative situations, like “most joyfully.” Tip: Manner adverbs are most likely to participate in comparative/superlative constructions. Work focus: Learn/Brainstorm/Try Today’s goal builds on yesterday’s explorations by adding superlative adverb forms. Consider how your language might express meanings like “The bear jumped farthest” or…
Day 272: September 28, 2024
Goal: Explore options for comparative adverb forms Note: You can consider adverbs how adverbs might be comparative, like “more quickly.” Tip: You may use the same forms/constructions, create different ones, or disallow adverbs to participate in such a construction. Work focus: Learn/Brainstorm/Try Today’s goal is to brainstorm options for comparing adverbs, especially manner adverbs, in…
Day 271: September 27, 2024
Goal: Update your dictionary as needed Note: Make sure any comparative/superlative forms or sources you created made it into the dictionary. Tip: Check any handwritten notes you may have in planners, in journals, or on backs of receipts for words you intended to add! Work focus: Solidify/Write/Share Today offers a little break between thinking about…