An image with multiple ways of saying "hello" and "welcome" in a variety of conlangs

Decorative image of a mouse drinking espresso while walking past a gallery of paintings with the daily prompt
Conlang Year, Day 253 prompt

Goal: Plan a strategy for dealing with headless relative clauses

Note: You may not have a similar structure that directly translates in the same way.

Tip: Remember to focus on your language and the system you’re building as you make decisions.

Work focus: Organize/Plan/Structure

Today’s goal is to lay out a plan for dealing with situations that might involve a headless relative clause (or similar structure). You may decide that your language will not have a structure, in which case plan out how your language would translate instances where another language uses one. As you work on a plan, remember to keep your focus on your language and its features. You don’t need to create structures simply because another language has them. Make sure what you’re creating fits in with your overall vision for your conlang.