Goal: Entry for Lexember 31st
Work focus: Solidify/Write/Share
You’ve made it! It’s the final day of Conlang Year, and the final day of Lexember! Take a moment to reflect on all your work and appreciate what you’ve done in a short amount of time. As you celebrate your work, remember that a language is never actually finished. You may choose to put this project aside in favor of starting new projects, but that doesn’t mean the language itself is finished. You can always return to it to add, expand, or edit.
Also remember that a language is never perfect. No language is—not even thriving natlangs are perfect. So don’t expect perfection from your work. While your conlang won’t be perfect, it is uniquely yours, and that makes it special and worth celebrating.
However you made it to this point (whether you flew through it in a month, took the full year, or turned it into a several-year journey), you are here at the finish line, and that is incredible.
Thank you for being here with me. This was a journey for me, too, and I am deeply grateful for every person who joined me for any part of it. Much love to you all. <3