An image with multiple ways of saying "hello" and "welcome" in a variety of conlangs

Day 338: December 3, 2024

A decorative image of the daily prompt with a mouse decorating a tray of gingerbread cookies
Conlang Year, Day 338 prompt

Goal: Entry for Lexember 3rd

Work focus: Solidify/Write/Share

Even if you created a template for your entries, if you are working on an entry and want to include different information, don’t feel beholden to your original designs. There’s nothing keeping you to a particular design or set of information for these entries! Maybe you created a word that has a cool origin story, and you want to focus on etymology instead of other information. Maybe you got an idea for a drawing to accompany a particular word but hadn’t used images in other entries. Whatever the case, feel free to change things up when a creative spark hits!