Goal: Plan a template or structure for sharing your Lexember entries
Note: The entries can be text-based or can incorporate images.
Tip: Look at past Lexember entries to get inspired for your own work!
Work focus: Organize/Plan/Structure
Lexember entries come in a variety of forms, some of which are entirely text-based and others of which incorporate imagery to some degree. How much information is included also varies—you could simply provide a word and its gloss, but you could also provide a detailed entry with full etymological journey. I encourage you to look at past Lexember entries to get inspired for your work. You can find them using #lexember on most social media sites (sites that are at least a year old, at any rate).
Use today’s time to actually create what you need for formatting Lexember entries, whether you need to draw a layout, design a layout in software, or make a text document with spaces to add in information.