An image with multiple ways of saying "hello" and "welcome" in a variety of conlangs

Day 281: October 7, 2024

A decorative image of the daily prompt with a mouse holding a pumpkin
Conlang Year, Day 281 prompt

Goal: Create quotative forms as needed and at least one example

Note: If you create new lexical forms, make sure you add them to the dictionary.

Tip: Focus first on creating a basic quotative example—a prototype.

Work focus: Create/Make/List

First, create any forms you need to support your quotative strategies. Then create at least one example of a quotative to create a basic example of how they occur in your language. For today, just focus on a really basic form—a prototype of what you’d expect to occur most frequently as a quotative form in everyday speech for your conlang speakers. You will have more days to expand on this example!

If you create any new forms today, take a moment to add them to your dictionary.