Goal: Expand your documentation on noun clauses
Note: Include any new information from the past few days, including gerunds and reduced clauses.
Tip: You may also need to document restrictions on finite noun clauses.
Work focus: Solidify/Write/Share
Expand any documentation you have on noun clauses and related forms to include any new information from the past few days, such as gerund forms and reduced clauses that can function in nominal roles. You may also need to return to noun clauses (if you allow them) in general to talk about any restrictions you’ve decided on, such as restricting them to object positions with verbs of cognition and/or communication—or even limiting it to specific verbs.
Remember that you can also document the absence of a feature. If you chose not to allow any sort of noun clause or reduced clause form in nominal roles, state that and provide examples of how your language uses other strategies, such as joining clauses together. If you don’t mention anything about it, you may return to this area of the grammar later and forget the original decisions you made, which can lead to frustration, confusion, or even accidental language overhauls.