Goal: Create examples of modifying participle phrases
Note: If your language distinguishes them, include examples of both active and passive participles.
Tip: Show how these phrases work modifying a variety of head nouns.
Work focus: Create/Make/List
Create examples of participle phrases modifying a head noun—if your conlang has both active and passive participle forms, then include them both as you create examples. Depending on how your language treats participles, you may need to create additional forms (e.g. new inflections) to support these examples.
As you create example sentences, make sure you showcase these modifiers with head nouns in a variety of clausal positions. Sometimes positioning a complex modifier in a particular position relative to the noun sounds like a good idea until you try to incorporate it as a modifier of a noun functioning as the object of an adposition… Keep working to create a variety of examples so you identify the best path forward!