Goal: Plan a strategy for passive participial modifiers
Note: Nonfinite passive forms can modify a noun (e.g. “The hat worn by the mouse is green.”)
Tip: These may follow the same strategy for active forms but with passive marking.
Work focus: Organize/Plan/Structure
Nonfinite participial modifiers may also occur in passive forms, such as “worn by the mouse” in the sentence “The hat worn by the mouse is green.” Passive participial modifiers may follow the same structural strategy as active participials but with passive marking occurring with the verb form. However, your language may require different clausal/phrasal structures for passive verbs, so these participial modifiers may be quite different from your active ones.
Of course, another option is to require relative clauses when speakers want to include this kind of information. Be sure you know how your language forms passivized relative clauses, in that case.
Whatever you decide, make sure your chosen plan fits with the overall vision you have for your language!