An image with multiple ways of saying "hello" and "welcome" in a variety of conlangs

Decorative image of a mouse walking on a path, playing a stringed instrument
Conlang Year, Day 201 prompt

Goal: Create “where” and “when” forms with examples

Note: Create the wh-words you’ll need to target temporal and spatial information.

Tip: Keep track of the lexical sources to make sure you remember where they come from!

Work focus: Create/Make/List

Today’s goal is to create words that roughly translate as “where” and “when” in your language—the wh-words that target temporal and spatial information. Depending on how your speakers view time, these words might even overlap!

As you work, remember to keep track of what lexical sources you’re using to create the wh-words so you remember where they came from. As you may have seen by now, once forms are reduced, it can be easy to forget where they originally started.