Goal: Create time-based words in your conlang
Note: Some of these forms may be basic, but they don’t have to be!
Tip: The more abstract the time division is, the more likely it is to be non-basic.
Work focus: Create/Make/List
It’s time to create some time-based words in your language! You can opt to make some of these forms basic roots. Words that are the equivalent of concepts like “day” and “night” are often basic. As the concepts being referred to get more abstract, the more likely it is that they are represented by more complex forms, whether they are compounds, derivations, or phrases.
As you create these forms, you may also want to consider how these words might be used in other areas, such as greetings. You might use these to create ways to say things like “good morning” or “good night” (notice how different these are in practice when used in English—while we can greet each other with a “good morning,” it’s unlikely for “good night” to be taken as a greeting!).