Goal: Update your dictionary with adverbs
Note: Don’t forget to include any new roots you created to support the process.
Tip: Some adverbs may be better documented as subentries within another entry.
Work focus: Solidify/Write/Share
Spend your time today going through your dictionary and making sure you’ve entered all the new forms you created while working on adverbs. You may have adverbs to enter, but you may also have lexical sources for derivational affixes to enter. Get all those forms documented!
While you enter forms, you may want to consider where you will enter any derived and/or compounded adverbs. Sometimes those forms work better as subentries to a main entry, where, for instance, the head entry is an adjective, and then at the end of that entry, there is a list of commonly derived forms that includes a related manner adverb. If you like that idea, consider what other entries might work better as subentries, such as nouns you’ve derived. Whatever format you choose, make your dictionary consistent so you can easily find information every time you jump into it.