An image with multiple ways of saying "hello" and "welcome" in a variety of conlangs

Decorative image of a mouse feeding chickens with the daily prompt written in the background
Conlang Year, Day 154 prompt

Goal: Create forms for basic adverbs

Note: These will most likely be temporal and spatial adverbs.

Tip: It’s okay if you only have a handful of forms at this point.

Work focus: Create/Make/List

Today’s focus is to create word forms for basic adverbs in your language. As a reminder, the adverbs that are most likely to belong to basic vocabulary are temporal and spatial (rather than manner). It’s okay if you only have a few adverbs at this point—tomorrow you will work on creating non-basic forms (e.g. compounds or derivations). If you chose not to have words that are categorized as adverbs, then create words that will support your plan for adverb-like meanings.