Decorative image of a mouse working on a laptop with the daily prompt written on posters in the background
Conlang Year, Day 139 prompt

Goal: Explore options for number bases

Note: The goal is to identify what numbers you will need for counting.

Tip: You may opt to have a less specific counting system.

Work focus: Learn/Brainstorm/Try

Today’s goal shifts the focus to numbers in your conlang. Spend today exploring options for number bases. Some options you might consider include base-5, base-10, base-12, and base-20. (Though there are theoretically an endless number of possibilities!) The base you choose will affect how many forms you will need to create for the numbers.

You can also explore options for a less specific counting system. Rather than having forms that mean precise amounts like “one, three, eight,” you could instead have a variety of quantifying forms that mean “couple, few, handful, many” that provide estimated amounts. 

Have some fun exploring options as you decide what strategy you’re interested in pursuing!