Goal: Expand your example NPs
Note: Use the NPs you created and add more modifiers and/or layers of inflection.
Tip: If modifiers agree, remember to inflect all modifiers.
Work focus: Create/Make/List
Using the structures you planned out yesterday, expand the list of NPs you created a couple days ago. Specifically, expand them to include multiple modifiers (e.g. multiple adjectives, demonstratives and adjectives), and, if relevant, inflect the head noun in a variety of forms (e.g. number, case). If your attributive modifiers agree with their head nouns in any way, make sure you remember to apply that agreement-marking to each modifier in the noun phrase.
As you work, tweak any areas of the system that you find problems with or that you are not happy with. You may not always have multiple modifiers in a single noun phrase, but it’s good to have a solid plan in place for when you do!