Decorative image of a mouse watering flowers with the day's prompts written on surfaces around the mouse
Conlang Year, Day 120 prompt

Goal: Review and clean up dictionary entries

Note: You may want to include argument structure information in causative entries.

Tip: Consider adding an affixed causative to head word forms.

Work focus: Organize/Plan/Structure

It’s a housekeeping day! Take some time to clean up your dictionary entries and expand them where needed. If your causative strategy involved syntactic structures, you may need to consider adding argument structure information to key dictionary entries (e.g. adding the causative structure to the verb’s entry that acts as the head verb of a causative construction). On the other hand, if your causative is an affix, you may need to consider adding it to head word forms of verbs if it its form isn’t always predictable. If you created any new lexical sources or auxiliaries/particles during the past few days, make sure those find their way into your dictionary.