An image with multiple ways of saying "hello" and "welcome" in a variety of conlangs

Decorative image of a mouse watering flowers with the day's prompts written on surfaces around the mouse
Conlang Year, Day 98 prompt

Goal: Create any index markers you want for your verbs

Note: Provide examples—even if the examples just show the lack of index marking.

Tip: If you don’t need any index markers, create more verbs!

Work focus: Create/Make/List

It’s time to start putting your inflectional plans into motion! Today’s focus is on creating any index markers (whether they are affixes, particles, or auxiliaries) to show subject-verb agreement, bipersonal agreement, etc. If you don’t need any of these forms, you can use the time to create more verbs!

Create a variety of example clauses to show your verbs in action with this new stage of development. Even if the examples only show your verbs don’t shift forms, it’s helpful information. 

Your clauses may not be in their final forms yet! That’s okay. Just create examples based on what you have so far for verbs. Your verbs may occur with more inflections (e.g. tense/aspect), and the index-marking inflections may shift forms if your language is more fusional, with multiple inflections combining and reducing to a single form.