Goal: Create demonstrative pronouns (if needed)
Note: You may instead create a strategy to use modifiers.
Tip: These may be identical to the modifier forms.
Work focus: Create/Make/List
Today’s goal is to create any demonstrative pronoun forms that you need for your language. If the pronoun forms are identical to the demonstrative modifiers, be sure to note that somewhere so you don’t forget it. And then you can spend today creating a new word or two.
If you chose to forego demonstrative pronouns, use today to create strategies you can use when a demonstrative pronoun could be called for. For instance, rather than allowing something like “The dog ate that,” your language can require speakers to use a noun, such as “The dog ate that bone” or “The dog ate that thing” (where a small generic noun can stand in for more specific referents that are already known from context). If you don’t have any generic nouns yet (e.g. person, thing, place), then you can also use today to create some of those words. (They’re good to have for future grammatical strategies, anyway!)