An image with multiple ways of saying "hello" and "welcome" in a variety of conlangs

Text-based image with an overview of this week's prompts
Conlang Year, Week 8 overview

Day 50, February 19

Goal: Create definiteness markers or more nouns

Note: Some languages have multiple forms that shift for class, number, and/or function.

Tip: You may not have any strategies specifically for definiteness.

Work focus: Create/Make/List

Day 51, February 20

Goal: Create function markers or more nouns

Note: Function markers may be affixes, clitics, or adpositions.

Tip: As ever, be sure your choices reflect the larger system.

Work focus: Create/Make/List

Day 52, February 21

Goal: Update your template with forms you created

Note: Fill in the reserved slots with actual forms.

Tip: You may need to create several templates.

Work focus: Organize/Plan/Structure

Day 53, February 22

Goal: Write an introduction to noun class (if any)

Note: A chart can go a long way in showcasing your system.

Tip: Include examples as you describe the system!

Work focus: Solidify/Write/Share

Day 54, February 23

Goal: Write an introduction to number

Note: Your inflections may overlap and need to be discussed in one section.

Tip: Include example nouns with different phonological forms.

Work focus: Solidify/Write/Share

Day 55, February 24

Goal: Write an introduction to definiteness

Note: If forms shift depending on other inflections, show examples.

Tip: Include both marked and unmarked forms in examples.

Work focus: Solidify/Write/Share

Day 56, February 25

Goal: Write an introduction to function

Note: Some sections may be partial for now as you continue to create more features.

Tip: Show nouns as they shift for all inflections the language marks.

Work focus: Solidify/Write/Share