An image with multiple ways of saying "hello" and "welcome" in a variety of conlangs

Text-based image with an overview of this week's prompts
Conlang Year, Week 7 overview

Day 43, February 12

Goal: Explore options for noun classes

Note: If you want noun classes, list potential options for lexical sources.

Tip: For now, you can just list the lexical sources in their English equivalents.

Work focus: Brainstorm/Learn/Try

Day 44, February 13

Goal: Explore options for noun number

Note: If you want to mark number, brainstorm possible lexical sources.

Tip: Remember that inflections do not need to be attached to the noun base.

Work focus: Brainstorm/Learn/Try

Day 45, February 14

Goal: Explore options for marking definiteness

Note: Grammatical information can be indicated in other ways.

Tip: Select options that cohere with your vision for the language.

Work focus: Brainstorm/Learn/Try

Day 46, February 15

Goal: Explore options for marking nominal functions

Note: Options include word order, adpositions, and/or case markers.

Tip: Case-marking is also referred to as “flagging.”

Work focus: Brainstorm/Learn/Try

Day 47, February 16

Goal: Organize your notes and make a templatic structure

Note: Use the template to show the basic structure of noun phrases.

Tip: Lexical sources and headedness affect these structures.

Work focus: Organize/Plan/Structure

Day 48, February 17

Goal: Create class markers or new nouns

Note: Grammaticalized markers typically reduce in form.

Tip: The reduction can be more dramatic than regular sound changes.

Work focus: Create/Make/List

Day 49, February 18

Goal: Create number markers or more words

Note: Create proto-forms and their grammaticalized forms if you are marking number.

Tip: Basic words like “many” and “one” can indicate number where necessary.

Work focus: Create/Make/List